Bloomberg Motion series
We created a motion series of videos showcasing Bloomberg’s advanced technology and the way it powers the financial markets.

See the full video on Bloomberg's website: How Bloomberg handles a massive wave of real-time market data in microseconds

See the full video on Bloomberg's website: Innovating a modern icon: How Bloomberg keeps the Terminal cutting-edge

See the full video on Bloomberg's website: Humans in the Loop: AI & Machine Learning in the Bloomberg Terminal

Credits — Creative Direction Ilenia Notarangelo & Cristina Pasquale + Art Direction Arianna Cristiano + Illustration Lead Sofia Buti + Animation Lead David Cubitt & Valerio di Mario + Illustration Alssandra Marin & Andrea Vago + Animation Marco de Vecchi & Miguel D'Errico + Sound Design Fabrizio Martini + Portfolio Giovanna Crise + Client Bloomberg Marketing Studio