Tarot-o-bot Experience
We celebrated our 7th anniversary as a studio with a special project: we created our very own tarot deck and designed a special tarot-reader to help us predict the future of the creative industry.

Check it on — Tarot-o-bot — Reboot + Awwwards Site of the day + Behance project + FWA Fwa of the day + Digital Design Awards DDA of the Month + Communication Arts Webpicks + FWA Insights... Tarot-o-bot + Web designer Issue 293 + Frizzifrizzi Tarot-o-bot predice il futuro dell’industria creativa + Feeldesain Tarot-o-bot: The Prediction Generator On The Creative Industry + Hoppìpolla Qual è il futuro dell’industria creativa? + Medium Brillo7
We wanted to create an experience that bridged the gap between the virtual and physical world, so we started off with some research into all things mystical. We looked into the elements that make up this universe, the recurring visuals, the colors and the symbols that could be relevant to our project.
We opted for the tarot deck as one of the most emblematic prediction techniques and set off to create an illo version of a card deck. We illustrated 14 different images related to the tech and design world, divided into 7 Sacred Roles and 7 Sacred Concepts, all shuffling towards a virtual, ironic future.

The website layout was made to resemble a classic tarot-reader table, adding a digital and colorful twist! The cards we first illustrated guided the front-end design: we created the visuals starting from iconic elements, such as the stars, the eye-that-sees-the-future or the circles.

The visual style is - as it happens for the vast majority of our projects - extremely minimal but full of little details, like the grain that gives depth to the characters or the customized font. The particles floating on the black background of the prediction pages are yet another key visual element. Users can easily interact with these body moving elements simply by moving their mouse around or clicking on the dark background, prompting other stars and dots to appear!

Credits — Creative Direction Ilenia Notarangelo + Copywriting Luca Gonnelli, Ilenia Notarangelo, Ani Karamanuyan, Giovanna Crise + Design Ilenia Notarangelo, Cristina Pasquale + Web Development Nima Farzaneh + Illustration Arianna Cristiano, Sofia Buti + Animation Laurentiu Lunic, Matteo Ruffinengo, David Cubitt + Sound Design Carla Gioia